Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Lesson Learnt Final Edit
This is the final edit of my film 'Lesson Learnt'. I think the opening of the film that me and the rest of my production team have created has come out really well, and we have come a long way since we first started using the editing programme on our products. However we still may make a few changes to this film if we feel that it could be improved.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
First Draft of Lesson Learnt
This is the first draft of the opening scene of our horror film Lesson Learnt. At the moment the above film is only one minute and twenty five seconds long and this is due to some footage being unavaliable at this time, however the remaing clips will be added in due course. This clip is just to show the progession of myself and my group as we develop our final piece.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Filming Diary
This was our first day of actually shooting the footage for the opening of our horror film. I think that during this filming we worked well as a group. We filmed the news report scene which is vital for the storyline of our film so it was important that we got the filming right. Two of the actors were used in this scene (news reporter #1- Glynn Harris and news reporter #2- Gemma Peacock ) I was personally very pleased with the actors performances and we was able to get the footage in about 4 takes, which I thought was very good. We filmed the news report from a range of different angles to make sure we had all the footage we needed, I filmed from a slightly low angle and just to the left of the actors, I chose to film in this way to make the shot more versatile and to provide us with a wider range of clips for the editing process of our film. The first day of filming went very well and we were able to get all the footage we needed very efficiently.
Wednesday 20th January – Uploading footage and Filming
This was the groups second day of filming, Me James and Tom filmed the pub and woodland scenes of our piece today. In today’s lesson we uploaded the news report footage and discovered that we has all the shots we need of it and would not need to film it again, so we began to edit what we had and developed what we had filmed into a believable news report. During the filming after school today we managed to get all the pub scenes done, which show the antagonist (Keegan Featherstone) meeting one of his victims (Emmaline Gordon) outside the pub and then offering to take her home, the killers identity however is kept a secret. I think that today’s filming went well as we thought about what we was going to film first and then got most of it done with in the first few takes. I filmed the pub scene from several different angles to make out job easier when it comes to editing the piece. I feel that the pub scene worked out very well because of the use of costumes, antagonist wearing black connoting darkness and the protagonist wearing white connoting innocence and this makes our film fit in with normal horror conventions. Also at today’s filming session we was able to film the first dead body scene using (Alex Cockburn), this was another example of our use of props and costumes to add to the horror of our film. Alex was dressed in a bright white crisp shirt connoting his innocence and purity; his face covered in fake blood, his skin pale all showing his lifelessness. I filmed Alex lying in a deserted field surrounded by dead leaves, he did very well when it came to acting dead by making his eyes look haunted and cold, which only further adds to the drama of our piece. Overall the filming went very well today and I was pleased with how well my group continued to work well as a team and we managed to get done what we had set out to do.
Sunday 24th January- Garage Scenes
Today filming continued, with what I feel is the most important part of our piece the garage scenes. This is where the killer is seen in his own environment (the garage where he works) the scenes consist of the killer taking one of his victim’s bodies to the garage. The garage is also the location for the yearbook scenes. During filming today Me, James, Stephanie and Tom filmed the killer removing the dead body from his van from many different angles in order to be able to use a range of different shots when it came to editing our piece. We was unable to use a real body, so instead we used black bin bags stuffed with a quilt and some shoes, in order to make it look the most like a body as we could. This cause several problems with filming as there was several malfunctions with the ‘dead body’. Although the group did work well today, we was not as prepared as we have been on the previous days of filming and therefore we ran out of time and was unable to shot the yearbook scenes today.
Monday 25th January- Re-thinking
Today my group and I uploaded the footage that we have gathered over the last week, as we began to look through the shots of the garage scene a pattern seemed to emerge. We noticed that in a lot of the shots the framing had not been done well, therefore in the vast majority of shots the crew where visible as they were filming from different angles. We discussed the issue as a group and after trying and failing to edit the footage we already has we decided that we would need to re-film some of the garage scene. This is a major hurdle for me and my group to overcome but we are going to learn from our mistakes and when it comes to re-filming we will get the shots that we need.
Wednesday 3rd February- Garage and Yearbook Scenes
Over the past week Kingsford Productions have had real trouble finding a time that, both all the team members and our actors where able to film together. We finally managed to get together today and re-shoot the garage scenes, but this time we seriously thought about what we had to do before we began the filming process again. I James and Stephanie filmed the Antagonist getting out of his van and revealing the dead body in the back from a range of different angles, this time making sure that there was no framing issues within the shots. Due to the weather we had to re-think parts of the scene but I think in the long run it only made the scene look better, we had to film inside the actual garage as it was snowing but I think that it made the film look all the more realistic. After today’s re-filming of the garage scenes I personally feel a lot happier with the footage we have for our film and I feel that we definitely learnt from our previous mistakes. Today we also managed to film all the year book scenes which also went very well, we used a range of different angles, and even used tracking to show the killer walking up to the yearbook in a powerful way, which adds to the audience fear of the killer. We decided to use the fake blood for the killer to cross out the faces of his victims in the yearbook, as we felt it would make the opening scarier and more reverting for the audience. Today’s filming as a whole went really well and I was very pleased with the progress we made as individuals and as a group.
Thursday 4th February- Editing
Today all the remaining footage was uploaded on to the computer ready to be edited. Whilst looking through all the footage that we now have we decided as a group that we have everything we need now and it just comes down to editing the clips into a great opening of a horror film using adobe elements. We began to re-edit the film and created a first draft of our opening, although it was just a rough overview of what the final piece will be like I was happy with how far Kingsford Production Team has come since the start of the project, we have all really come to grips with the editing software and I feel that we will be able to produce a good quality film, even after the few setbacks that we had.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Target Audience Profile
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Props, Costumes and Equipment List
• Garage tools such as spanners, a hammer, wrench, Blow torch which the killer will use inside his garage
• Fake blood using experimented ingredients
• Bin bags for the dead bodies
• Yearbook which will show the victims
• Fake Blood for the crossing out of dead pupils in the yearbook
• White van which the killer will use
• Microphones for the news reporters
• Television which will be used at the end for the killer's over the shoulder shot
• Overalls for the killer
• White T-shirt and jeans for Fuchsia
• First dead body will be dressed in casual jeans and any coloured t-shirt
• The news reporters will be dressed in smart suits, for the male this will consist of blazer and tie, and for the woman skirt and blouse
• Three cameras
• Three tripods
• One dolly
• Three memory cards
As a group we discussed what props, costumes and equipment would be needed in our film in order to make it the best it can be. I feel that all the things listed above will help us to create a great opening to a horror film. This is just a list of everything that we are using there is more detailed descriptions of what we are using and why found on my blog.
Production of the Fake Blood
The above video is showing the production of the fake blood that we used in our film. We produced this video to show what ingredients we used to make the blood and also how we actually made it. I starred in the film, and Stephanie filmed it, I also put the video together using the adobe software. Producing the fake blood film helped me become more comfortable with the editing programme and allowed me to get further practice of using it.
Fake Blood
Peanut Butter
Red Food Colouring
Chocolate Spread
Chocolate Powder
We tested several sets of ingredients in order to find which one produced the best blood alternative, and we came to the conclusion that the ingredients listed above worked the best. We have filmed the making of our fake blood to show exactly what we did and how we did it. We feel that the fake blood looks really good, and is around the same consistency of blood so this makes it look more real. We have decided to use fake blood as a prop in our short film as it makes it scarier and makes it more believable to the audience. Therefore we think that the fake blood we are using in our film, is one of the most important props as it adds a great deal to the piece.
Me and Stephanie made the fake blood, we aslo filmed how we made it to show exactly what we did. I also edited the videos together using adobe premier elments, to make it look the best it could and to provide me with yet more practice at using the programme. I think that the video has come out really well as it shows exactly what we did and how we did it, the ingredients are shown above so using them and the video I produced anyone could make the fake blood. The video is shown in the post above.
Shot List
This is my groups shot list, the shot list was designed by my fellow group member James. My own personal input into the shot list, was putting my ideas forward of what type of shots to use to have the best effect on the film. We have included a range of different camera angles in our shot list as we think they are needed in our piece to make it the best it could be. The shot list has been made very detailed in oder to make it easier for us when we was filming, it also came in as a great help for know what type of camera angle to use for each shot.
Location Scouting
Our group came up with ideas on where we would like to film our horror movie to make it as effective as possible. We decided that we will film in multiple locations, so that we make the audience think about where these locations are and if the killings involved are linked. We decided to have our antagonist’s workplace as a car bodyworks garage which is located in Great Leighs. We have chosen this because it can be a quiet place where no-one knows the goings on inside. There is a large supply of murder weapons and tools of his trade. We could film this at any time during the day, as it will not matter whether our light source is natural or not. However filming at night will personify our antagonist’s personality, as he is a dark character who is aiming to kill. We also think that the garage is a good location to choose because it is a dark and scary place which is synonymous with the horror genre.
We will also film outside a pub because our antagonist meets one of his victims and we film them both leaving the pub and getting into his van. The pub we will be film
We will be filming our news report outside the front of Chelmer valley high school. This will be because in our film all the murders are linked, they are only linked because the people that have died all where in the leaving class of 1995. This shows that all the victims come from here as the background of the school symbolises it. We will be filming this during the day as will we try to make the report as realistic as possible. So we will probably film the news report during one of our media lessons. The news report will be the ending of our opening of the film; we have chosen to do this because it leaves the a
We will also be filming in a woodland area which will be in St. Andrews park which is located in Newland Spring. We have decided to choose this location as a scene for or first murder. The Kingsford production team has decided that the woods is a good place for the victims body to be because it is dark, scary and it gives the audience a sense of fear, because the image of the corpse will be hard hitting. We will film the killer’s feet walking away from the victim through dead leaves, which connotes more death and destruction, showing that the antagonist is killing everything in its path. This will also be filmed at dusk to show the transfer from light to dark, just like the killers personality.
Animatic Storyboard
Photo Storyboard
This photo story board, is what me and my group (KingsFord productions) produced in order to show the basic set out of the opening to our film. My input into the the storyboard was i went out and took the pictures for the storyboard, although some of the pictures are not the exact loaction we are going to use whilst filming, the storyboard is a good idea of what the film will be like. I also wrote some of the notes about each picture in the storyboard, to make it clear to the viewer what the picture is depicting.