The main character in our film will be the antagonist; the antagonist will be a male and his face will not be seen during the film other than in his school yearbook this is to make him anonymous therfore making him more feared to the audience. However there will be glimpses of the killer, showing him from far away or just his feet etc, we have decided to do this because it adds to the drama and suspense of the film and makes the audience more interested in finding out who the killer is. The antagonist will be aged around 26 years old and will be scruffy and uncouth, he will be like any normal twenty something male which makes him unassuming as the killer. The killer works in a garage so he wears heavy black boots and dark overalls and this a very normal due to his job description. The killer will have dark hair and rather pale skin we have chosen our character to have this image as the pale skin connotes death and is very ghostly, also the dark hair connotes darkness and the evilness of the killer. This type of person as a killer is often used in horror films, so this part of our film is a common horror convention.

These are the type of boots that the Antagonist will wear as we think that they are quite scary and harsh looking. In one part of out film all you see is the killer’s feet walking away and we think that this type of boot will add to the horror and suspense of the piece, also the boots will be balck because it is a harsh colour that connotes death. The tough boots of the killer also show the power that he has over his victims, making the victims seem even more powerless.
We have decided to name the main character Douglas and this is because we think it is quite an innocent and child like name which is not synonymous with murderers so with this we are going against normal horror conventions. We have gathered inspiration from horror films such as Saw and Jeepers Creepers where the antagonist is never really fully shown to the audience because it adds to the suspense and horror of the film. In Saw a mask is used and we may well use a mask in our film as it keep
s the killers identity a secret, and we think that the fear of the un-known is one of the scariest things in the horror genre. We are also going to use fake blood in our piece, which is also done in Saw; the blood will denote the death of the victims, and it will show the pain that the angonist inflicted on his victims. On the killers clothing there will also be small blood marks which connotes pain, a struggle and obviously death. The antagonist in the film's face will not be seen until the very end of the peice and even then it will be covered by a large mask which would be used when using a blow torch in the garage. We have decided to use this mask because of the occupation of the killer and also because it furthers add to the suspense of the film, as the audience are unaware of the killers identity. This will happen in the garage when the killer is seen watching the news report about the murders on television, this will be the last shot or the opening of the film that we are creating because it will imprint the image into the audiences minds.

The idea for using the mask in the film to hide the killers identity was drawn from the film Saw as we feel it makes the film more dominate in the horror genre. As a group however we decided to adapt the type of mask to fit our killer and his job description, therefore using both our inspiration and imagination in order to make the opening of the film the best it can be.

These are the type of boots that the Antagonist will wear as we think that they are quite scary and harsh looking. In one part of out film all you see is the killer’s feet walking away and we think that this type of boot will add to the horror and suspense of the piece, also the boots will be balck because it is a harsh colour that connotes death. The tough boots of the killer also show the power that he has over his victims, making the victims seem even more powerless.
We have decided to name the main character Douglas and this is because we think it is quite an innocent and child like name which is not synonymous with murderers so with this we are going against normal horror conventions. We have gathered inspiration from horror films such as Saw and Jeepers Creepers where the antagonist is never really fully shown to the audience because it adds to the suspense and horror of the film. In Saw a mask is used and we may well use a mask in our film as it keep
The idea for using the mask in the film to hide the killers identity was drawn from the film Saw as we feel it makes the film more dominate in the horror genre. As a group however we decided to adapt the type of mask to fit our killer and his job description, therefore using both our inspiration and imagination in order to make the opening of the film the best it can be.
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