Wednesday 9 December 2009

Gantt Chart Update

Below is the gantt chart that I filled in for me and my group to follow, I have given the gantt chart a colour system so each member of the group has a different colour so it is easy for each of us to see what we have to do. I have also given the group as a whole a colour which is purple and this shows when work has been done by the entire KingsFord Production team. The deadline colour on the gantt chart is red because it clearly shows when the work needs to be done by. This is the most up to date gantt chart that we have and it has all the deadlines we have been given to meet so far on it.

When developing the gantt chart I split the work as evenly as possible between myself and the the members of my group. The gantt chart is very useful because it helps with our time management and it means that we are meeting all the deadlines we need to on time, the gantt chart also provides us with a guideline on how to divide the work between the group.

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