Tuesday 15 December 2009


Last week me and my group held auditions in order to cast our short film 'Lesson Learnt', we held the auditions on Friday the 11th of December at 11:00 am, we did this in order to make the auditions avliable to as many actors as possible, so we could cast the best possible people for the parts in our film. During the audtions I told the actors what we expected from them and what they had to do during there auditions, whilst the rest of my group filmed the auditions or made notes on each actor. I am very happy with who we have cast to be in our film as I think that the chosen actors meet our character profiles well. This is the cast list for 'Lesson Learnt':

Douglas – Keegan Featherstone

Fuchsia – Emmaline Gordon

Dead Body #1- Alex Coburn

News Reporter #1- Glyn Harris

News Reporter #2- Gemma Peacock

I think that we was very fortunate with our auditions because we was able to cast our whole film all in one session, as we had a very good group of actors show up to our auditions. We decided who we was going to cast in our film as team so that everyone had their own input, but mostly we agreed with who we thought was best for each character, I think that KingsFord Production team continues to work well as a unit. I also wrote the audition information for the group blog, which involves all the details of the audition process. The video for our auditions can be found on my group blog (KingsFord Productions). Audition Video

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