Tuesday 10 November 2009

Intial Ideas

During recent lessons me and my group started to discuss our ideas about our film as a whole, film names, production names, the narrative and the target audience. We made a mind map as a group containing this information.

I also made my own mind map containing all my own ideas, this included some of the film name ideas that I came up with for example:
  • Body Shop
  • Death Report
  • Police Report
  • Flashback

The main idea that I put forward for the actually narrative of the film was, there are several killings that all take place in different locations and they happen to people of different ages, race and genders however it is the same person commiting all the murders. As we are only filming the opening of a film, The opening will contain three murders, and the killer taking the bodies back to his workshop hence the name 'Body Shop'. It will also involve a news report on the tv, and news paper clipping's showing that the police can find no links between the murders and the search continues to find the killer or killer's. This is my intial idea for our film. I will upload the mind map that I have produced showing all my intial ideas.

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